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J.A. Galadí, J.J. Torres Agudo
J. Marro,
"Emergence and Interpretation of Oscillatory Behaviour Similar to Brain Waves and Rhythms", Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, vol.83
, 105093-1-105093-13, 2020
F. Carollo
C. Pérez Espigares,
"Entanglement statistics in Markovian open quantum systems: A matter of mutation and selection", Physical Review E, vol.102
, 030104-1-030104-6, 2020
P. Villegas Góngora, M.A. Muñoz Martinez
J.A. Bonachela-Fajardo,
"Evolution in the Debian GNU/Linux software network: analogies and differences with gene regulatory networks", Journal of The Royal Society Interface, vol.17
, 20190845-, 2020
A.P. Millán, J.J. Torres Agudo
G. Bianconi,
"Explosive higher-order Kuramoto dynamics on simplicial complexes", Physical Review Letters, vol.124
, 218301 -218301 , 2020
V. Buendía Ruiz-Azuaga, S. Disanto, J.A. Bonachela-Fajardo
M.A. Muñoz Martinez,
"Feedback mechanisms for self-organization to the edge of a phase transition: a review", Frontiers in Physics, vol.8
, 333-, 2020
P.L. Garrido Galera
J.L. Lebowitz ,
"Heat conduction in a hard disc system with non-conserved momentum", Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
, -, 2020
S. Ross, Y. Suzuki, M. Kondoh, K. Suzuki, P. Villa Martín
M. Dornelas,
"Illuminating the intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of ecological stability across scales", Ecological Research
, -, 2020
T. Bourguignon, Y. Kinjo, P. Villa Martín, N.V. Coleman, Q. Tang, D.A. Arab, Z. Wang, G. Tokuda, Y. Hongoh, M. Ohkuma, S.Y.W. Ho, S. Pigolotti
N. Lo,
"Increased mutation rate is linked to genome reduction in prokaryotes", Current Biology
, -, 2020
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024