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P.L. Garrido Galera
"Notes about the Macroscopic Fluctuating Theory", Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
, -, 2021
P.L. Garrido Galera
"Quasi-potentials in the Nonequilibrium Stationary States or a method to get explicit solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations", Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
, -, 2021
J.J. Torres Agudo, M.A. Muñoz Martinez, J.M. Cortes Diaz
J.F. Mejías Palomino,
"Special Issue on Emergent Effects in Stochastic Neural Networks with Application to Learning and Information Processing", Neurocomputing
, -, 2021
S. Marcantoni, C. Pérez Espigares
J.P. Garrahan ,
"Symmetry-induced fluctuation relations in open quantum systems", Physical Review E, vol.104
, 014108-1-014108-10, 2021
K. Obermayer
J.J. Torres Agudo,
"Learning Rules: Overview", "Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience", 1-4, 2020
J.J. Torres Agudo, M. Uzuntarla
J. Marro,
"A theoretical description of inverse stochastic resonance in nature", Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, vol.80
, 104975-1-104975-11, 2020
R. Hurtado Gutiérrez, F. Carollo, C. Pérez Espigares
P.I. Hurtado Fernandez,
"Building Continuous Time Crystals from Rare Events", Physical Review Letters, vol.125
, 160601-, 2020
A. Calim, J.J. Torres Agudo, M. Ozer
M. Uzuntarla,
"Chimera States in Hybrid Coupled Neuron Populations", Neural Networks, vol.126
, 108-117, 2020
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024