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J.J. Torres Agudo
"Brain phenomena under the complex-systems physics perspective", "Center for Theoretical Neuroscience Lab Meeting", None-None, 2022
A. Calim, J.J. Torres Agudo, M. Ozer
M. Uzuntarla,
"Emergence of Chimera States in Hybrid Coupled Neuron Populations", "Dynamics Days Europe 2021 conference", None-None, 2021
P. Villa Martín
"Ocean currents promote plankton rare species diversity", "II Encuentro de ACE Japón", None-None, 2019
P. Villa Martín
"Diversification Strategies in Expanding Populations", "The 66th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan", None-None, 2019
J.J. Torres Agudo
"Noise-induced activity supression in nature", "15th Granada Seminar, Stochastic and Collective Effects in Neural Systems", None-None, 2019
J.J. Torres Agudo
"Interacción estructura-función del cerebro: mecanismos fundamentales y propiedades emergentes", "V Jornadas Científicas del IC1", None-None, 2018
P. Villa Martín
"Bet-hedging on expanding populations", "Computational principles to organize complexity: Success stories in quantitative biology", None-None, 2018
P. Villegas Góngora, S. Di Santo
M.A. Muñoz Martinez,
"Non-normality, reactivity, and intrinsic stochasticity in neural dynamics", "23rd National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems", None-None, 2018
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024