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J. Hidalgo Aguilera, S. Pigolotti
M.A. Muñoz Martinez,
"Stochasticity enhances the gaining of bet-hedging strategies in contact-process-like dynamics", Physical Review E, vol.91
, 032114-, 2015
F.D.L. Santos Fernández, E. Romera Gutiérrez
O.H. Castaños-Garza,
"Time scales at quantum phase transitions in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model", Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, vol.91
, 043409-1- 043409-8, 2015
J.J. Torres Agudo
"Boltzmann Machine", "Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, D. Jaeger, R. Jung (Eds.)", -, 2014
J.J. Torres Agudo
"Hopfield Network", "Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, D. Jaeger, R. Jung (Eds.)", -, 2014
J.J. Torres Agudo
"Perceptron Learning", "Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, D. Jaeger, R. Jung (Eds.)", -, 2014
J.J. Torres Agudo
"Efficient information processing in neural systems near phase transitions", "Seminario de Investigación", None-None, 2014
P. Villegas Góngora
"Frustrated hierarchical synchronization and emergent complexity in the human connectome network", "Fourth Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems", None-None, 2014
P. Villegas Góngora
"Frustrated hierarchical synchronization and emergent complexity in the human connectome network", "Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems", None-None, 2014
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024